Tips To Prevent Rodent Infestation At Home

Pest Control

Tips To Prevent Rodent Infestation At Home

By DR Seervi 11 months ago Pest Control

Rodents can be commonly seen in houses as they can easily enter the property through small holes or openings. However, these pests should not be taken lightly as they carry harmful bacteria that can transmit serious diseases, can damage your property and contaminate your food sources. Fortunately, you can get rid of these creatures using Emergency rodent pest control services or general rodent control methods available for homeowners. Moreover, you can also follow some prevention tips to keep your place rodent-free.

Tips To Prevent Rodent Infestation:

  • Remove Rodent Attractants

Several elements of your home are attractive to rodents which work as a source of food and shelter to them. Removing such things will keep the rodents away from your home. For instance:

  • Many items in the trash are food for rodents. They can easily reach the trash by smelling it. So, you should put the trash in dustbins with tightly closed lids.
  • Construction materials, waste furniture, woodpiles, junk items or any type of clutter kept in the yard are home to rodents.
  • Cooking areas and openly kept food also attract rats. You must also keep your lawn neat and tidy.
  • Seal up the Entry Points Properly

It might be surprising for you but rodents can sneak in even through the smallest crack holes or openings. So, it’s better to seal all the entry and exit points to avert them from invading the house. You can seal:

  • Around doors and windows
  • Around electrical, plumbing and cable holes
  • Corners of cabinets, cupboards and vents
  • Keep Proper Cleanliness

You should practice proper cleanliness in and around your home. Don’t keep piled clutter anywhere at home. Don’t keep your food outside rather always keep it packed in containers.

  • Professional Help

If your home is invaded by multiple rats and you are unable to get rid of them, then you can instantly hire a professional pest control team to control rat infestation.

  • Set-up Rat Traps

You can use mice traps to catch them. Use any small-sized food item as bait and apply it to the trap. After that, you can keep it near the walls, corners of the doors or any small openings from where rodents usually invade the house.

Final Words

It’s very important to maintain cleanliness at home to avoid pest infestation as they can cause multiple serious diseases. You can follow these prevention tips to deter rodents from rushing into the house. If the situation gets out of control, then you must instantly hire a professional team of pest control.


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