How To Stop Rat Infestation?

Pest Control

How To Stop Rat Infestation?

By DR Seervi 1 year ago Pest Control

Rodents are long-tailed creatures, whom you might be feeding and giving space for shelter, the rat lives in stealth mode, that’s why you’re always seeing their reflection and droppings. It’s not safe to live with rats, they contaminate food items and also carry numerous diseases. Also, rats are ungrateful because they like to shred anything which came in handy in front of them. If you’re reading this blog, you might have witnessed the terror of a mouse, they can be very difficult to deal with. If you do not take strict actions against them, they will multiply and start their family, no one can imagine how disastrous that could be. So either you can hire rodent removal specialists or use these some easy steps to repel rodents in the best possible way.

Setting Up A Non-Lethal Wire Cage As A Trap

Using a non-lethal wire cage is a humane way to catch a mouse and throw them away. Moreover, if you don’t want to go easy on rats and want to take revenge for their wrongdoings, you can throw them on fire, but remember God is watching us all. Coming to the point, to set up a non-lethal wire cage, you need to get a non-lethal wire cage trap, you can get it from somewhere, and figure it out yourself, today we have internet, so there’s no need for digging more. When you get the trap, you need to set up the bait, you can use cheese, we all know mouse loves cheese, thanks to jerry the characters gave us all the insights into a mouse's life.

Do Not Go For Rat Repellent Sound Machine

Rats have contributed so much to studying genetic science, that most of the medical science subject is now on its feet because of them. There’s also a reason why the mouse has been chosen for studying genetic science (when mentioning genetic science, the reference is not the study of evolution, Darwin observed all that) mouse has a similar DNA structure to us, also there was no restriction to use rodents for study and research purpose. The whole point is if their DNA is like ours, then this machine won’t affect them, because if it was capable of affecting them, then we would have also been repelled and forced to live outside, then there will be no point in using this machine. So, seeing both sides of the coin, there’s no-win either side. On a serious note, the rat-repellent sound machine is a scam, there’s no evidence that they work on rats or rodents, so don’t waste your money.

Do Not Serve Food To The Rodents

By all means, when you keep the food items open, it’s an open invitation to the mouse to come and have supper. Rats can smell things from a long distance, even if you throw the food in open garbage, the rat won’t mind eating that too, they might think that you didn’t wait for them. All these food items kept in the open are the reason how they thrive, thus stop serving food to them. Food items kept open such as the dining table, garbage, pet bowl and food left over in the sink is giving the rodents supply of food, if you cut these supplies, it’ll indirectly affect the rat, and they’ll leave your house because of hunger.

Keep A Cat

This might sound weird, but if you keep a cat as a pet, the rat won’t come near your house, because of the fear of cats. A cat is a natural predator and they like to hunt rats and eat them, this might sound inappropriate, but there’s no sin, it comes in natural food chain killing, this time God is not watching you, but your cat. Being just a rat killer, a cat can do more, they’re fun to have in a house, well except pooping in the house to avoid this scenario you need to train them. Besides, this you can cuddle your cat and they will stay by your side always in reality cats keeps to themselves and they won’t care about any human emotion, but still, cats are adorable, that’s why many people choose cats over rats. So, you can also keep a cat to protect your house from the wrath of the rat.


All the above ideas contain preventive and precautionary measures to stop a rat infestation, in case there’s a heavy Rat infestation in your house, you should always seek professional assistance. You can use aunty of these ideas to have your house free from rodents.

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