What Keeps Wasps Away?

Pest Control

What Keeps Wasps Away?

By DR Seervi 1 year ago Pest Control

Wasps are a common problem during the warmer months, and for many people, they can be a source of frustration, fear, and even danger. While wasps are an essential part of our ecosystem, they can also become a nuisance if they build their nests too close to human activity areas. Thankfully, there are Wasp Removal Melbourne experts and several other ways to keep wasps away from your home and garden. Read the blog to know about what keeps wasps away from your property.

These Actions Can Help To Keep Wasps Away:

  • Keep Your Surroundings Clean: Wasps are attracted to sweet smells, so make sure to keep your surroundings clean and free of food scraps or sugary drinks. Seal your garbage cans tightly, and make sure to clean up spills and messes right away.
  • Use Natural Deterrents: Certain scents can repel wasps, so consider using natural deterrents like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, or lemongrass oil. You can mix a few drops of these oils with water and spray the solution around your home, garden, and outdoor eating areas.
  • Cover Food and Drinks: Wasps are attracted to food and drinks, so cover them when you're outside. Use a lid or a net to cover your food and drinks, and avoid leaving any food out for extended periods.
  • Plant Wasp-Repelling Plants: Certain plants, like mint, thyme, and citronella, can repel wasps. Plant these around your garden or in pots on your patio to keep wasps away.
  • Keep Windows and Doors Closed: Make sure to keep your windows and doors closed, or install screens to keep wasps from flying inside. If you have to keep your windows open, consider using a wasp trap to catch any that fly in.
  • Call a Professional: If you have a wasp infestation, don't try to handle it on your own. Call a professional wasp removal service to safely and effectively remove the nest.

What Attracts Wasps To Your Property?

Wasps are attracted to a variety of things on your property, and knowing what these are can help you take steps to prevent them from nesting and causing problems. Here are some of the things that attract wasps to your property:

  • Food: Like many insects, wasps are attracted to sweet and sugary substances, such as fruit, soda, and sugary drinks. They are also attracted to meat, especially if it is left uncovered or exposed.
  • Garbage and Recycling Bins: Garbage and recycling bins can attract wasps, especially if they contain food or drink containers. Make sure to keep these bins clean and tightly sealed.
  • Outdoor Dining Areas: Wasps are attracted to outdoor dining areas where food and drink are often present. Try to keep food and drink covered and clean up spills promptly.
  • Bright Colors and Floral Scents: Wasps are also attracted to bright colours and floral scents, which can mimic the look and scent of flowers. Avoid wearing bright colours and perfumes when spending time outdoors.
  • Water: Wasps need water to survive, and are attracted to areas with standing water, such as birdbaths, ponds, and puddles. Make sure to keep these areas clean and free of stagnant water.
  • Nesting Sites: Finally, wasps are attracted to potential nesting sites, such as eaves, gutters, and other sheltered areas. Make sure to seal any potential entry points and remove any existing nests promptly.

By understanding what attracts wasps to your property, you can take steps to prevent them from becoming a nuisance. Keep your property clean, tidy, and free of potential nesting sites, and you'll be able to enjoy the warmer months without worrying about these stinging insects.


Keeping wasps away can be achieved by implementing some of these simple steps. By keeping your surroundings clean, using natural deterrents, covering food and drinks, planting wasp-repelling plants, keeping windows and doors closed, and calling a professional when necessary, you can enjoy a wasp-free summer season. Remember to stay safe and take precautions when dealing with wasps, as their stings can be painful and even life-threatening for some people.

Dealing with wasps on your property can be a daunting task, especially if you have a large infestation or if you or someone in your family is allergic to their stings. While there are many DIY methods for dealing with wasps, hiring a professional wasp control company can provide you with a safer and more effective solution. 

Read More: What Makes Pest Control Services Necessary?


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