What Are The Diseases Caused By Cockroaches At Residential Properties?

Pest Control

What Are The Diseases Caused By Cockroaches At Residential Properties?

By DR Seervi 11 months ago Pest Control

It is said that cockroaches are synonymous with dirt, poor hygiene and filth. The feeding, as well as nesting nature, clearly indicates that cockroaches can easily accumulate various organisms. Cockroaches, when transmitted, will result in complications to the health of an individual. Cockroaches are majorly responsible for causing food-borne diseases. Some commonly spread diseases from cockroaches are Salmonellosis, Typhoid fever, Cholera, Plague, Dysentery, Leprosy, etc. So, take a look at the detailed information we provided for, "What are the diseases caused by cockroaches at residential properties." 

Diseases Transmitted Through Cockroaches 

Cockroaches are spreading a wide range of diseases. In the case of cockroaches, transmission will occur indirectly via consumption or it can be done by contacting affected items. Generally, Cockroaches do not cause harm through a direct bite. Cockroaches are also responsible for triggering asthma as well as other allergies. Major diseases caused by Cockroaches include: 

  • Typhoid Fever

One of the reasons for a person to experience Typhoid fever is none other than taking a cockroach bite and this is a bacterial infection. Typhoid fever is caused by a bacteria known as Salmonella typhi and this bacteria widely spread typhoid fever among people. In fact, it is a waterborne disease where roaches accumulate this bacteria from faecal water.

Thus, if your property has poor sanitisation, your complete family has a high chance of becoming victims of typhoid fever. Moreover, your kids and elderly are at more risk as they are immunocompromised. Symptoms you find for Typhoid fever are muscle aches, weakness, stomach pain, cough, loss of appetite, etc. 

  • Salmonellosis 

Salmonellosis is in fact a bacterial infection that is caused by a bacteria but cockroaches act as vectors to transmit this disease. It is similar to food poisoning as it is a food-borne disease, where cockroaches feed on contaminated food with bacteria present in them. This consumed bacteria settle in the digestive tract for more than a month. After that, this bacteria pollutes the air around you when cockroaches either vomit or excrete. But the symptoms or after-effects of Salmonellosis are seen only after 2 to 3 days after infection. The symptoms you get to notice are vomiting, fever and diarrhoea.

  • Cholera

Cholera is a waterborne disease where cockroaches spread it through their faeces and vomit as they consume contaminated food. Once cockroaches vomit or excrete contaminated food, the Vibrio cholera bacteria in it get into your environment. This, in turn, makes the air around you harmful to breathe and you get easily infected putting you through acute watery diarrhoea.

In fact, cholera caused by roaches is one such disease that affects adults as well as kids, and if left untreated, it can kill the infected individual in a few days. In a person, it takes between 12 hours and 5 days for Cholera to show symptoms. Some of such symptoms are rice-water stools, leg cramps, thirst, vomiting and restlessness.

  • Dysentery

If you notice bloody stools, then take it as a symptom of Dysentery as it is counted as a gastroenteritis type among diseases. As Dysentery affects the intestines, bloody stools are the first symptom you see when you are infected with this infection. It is caused by either shigella bacteria or entamoeba leading to bacillary and amoebic dysentery respectively. Cockroaches spread this disease if your property has poor sanitation, contaminated food and water. A few symptoms of Dysentery are bloody stools, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach and high fever. 

  • Leprosy

Although Leprosy is caused by a microorganism known as Mycobacterium leprae, if cockroaches don't act as a vector, the disease would spread. Because cockroaches play a vital role in spreading Leprosy to humans via their faeces. It primarily affects both peripheral nerves and skin on a large scale leading to critical conditions. 

So, if Leprosy is left untreated, it causes permanent disabilities and permanent damage to skin and nerves. Symptoms you find in an affected person are dry skin, discoloured patches on the skin, and loss of eyelashes or eyebrows. However, even these symptoms appear almost after 20 years of infection taking place in a person.  

  • Plague

It is widely known that rodents are the pests that spread Plague but this is not the case in every situation as cockroaches are also responsible. Because roaches are carriers of a bacteria known as Yersinia pestis and this is a major cause of Plague in humans. Yersinia pestis causes a disease called bubonic plague. It has symptoms varying between chills, high fever, weakness, painful lymph nodes and headache. Plague is one such disease caused by cockroaches where an infected person needs to take antibiotics as a treatment for 24 hours; once symptoms are identified. 

  • Listeriosis

Unlike other diseases caused by cockroaches, listeriosis is a serious infection and the major cause of it is Listeria monocytogenes. It majorly affects neonates, elderly people (above 65), pregnant women and individuals that are immunocompromised. It is a foodborne disease and the involvement of causing this disease by cockroaches is the same as in Salmonellosis.

Listeriosis is mainly caused when an individual consumes unpasteurized milk and eats improperly processed meat and other raw food products. In the case of pregnant women, the severity of infection leads to premature delivery or miscarriage. Symptoms of Listeriosis are stiff neck, loss of balance, headache, convulsions, confusion, etc. 


Avail professional cockroach pest control services as it will surely help to keep your surroundings germs-free as well as neat. Cockroach exterminators are known for offering a wide range of services & solutions to prevent as well as analyse cockroaches. Thus, this helps them to quickly eliminate the potential of crawling insects to transmit diseases on your property. In fact, professionals know the need for different cockroach removal services as there is a wide range of them(Oriental, Australian, Smoky Brown Banded and German cockroach) roaming in your home. 

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