We Use Best Materials and Effective Bed Bug Repellent

Pest Control

We Use Best Materials and Effective Bed Bug Repellent

By DR Seervi 1 year ago Pest Control

Bedbugs are one of the classes of ferocious and nasty pests. They are small in size and can breed to increase their population to innumerable limits. The most dangerous thing you notice is that they can survive for months without food. Their favorite food is a blood meal. You cannot have a sound sleep knowing that bedbugs can invade your bed anytime and anyhow. 

Best Pest Control Brisbane by professionals can be your last option when the situation has gone out of control. But till then you can consider using bed bug repellants. Certain preventive measures like avoiding buying second-hand furniture, reducing the accumulation of clutter here and there in your house, prefer the use of metals and plastics to seal the cracks and crevices over choosing wooden and do not blindly believe in hotel cleaning styles. 

Before checking in the bedrooms of a hotel try new fresh bed sheets and observe the wooden beds and windows for bed bugs. These are some precautionary measures you should take to prevent the spread of bed bugs into your house. 

Above All, You Can Consider the Application of Any of the Top 3 Bed Bug Repellants Mentioned Below. They Include-

The Ortho Home Defense Bed Bug Killer- It is the top-rated product among the different compositions floating in the market. It is available in 1.5 gallons of the container. This is a toxic solution that kills the eggs and living bed bugs. It is available in the form of a spray. So, It comes with a battery-operated wand. The wand you can use to sincerely spray on the edges of the mattresses and edges of the curtains. You do not need to worry as the solution is non-staining and there will be no spilling issues. It is odor resistant and is effective against pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs also. You can check our blog The Benefits Of Pest Inspection For Homeowners.

Rockwell Cimexa insecticide dust spray- This is a synthetic product of silica powder, unlike the naturally occurring diatomaceous powder. As you may be knowing silica is a desiccant and absorbs water out of the exoskeleton of the bedbugs. It is found to be more effective than homemade methods.  The product is non-toxic for humans but still should be kept out of reach of children. You can apply a thin sheet of paint on the wooden legs and head frames of wooden furniture. Cover the cracks and crevices with this silicon dust. It is effective for about 10 years. It promises long-term economics. 

Eco Defense Bed Bug Killer- The product has the least chemicals and more appreciated over other toxic bed bug repellants. It is composed of plant oils and mostly natural ingredients. It is not long-lasting but can kill the bed bugs on direct contact. So it demands regular usage overtime to control infestations. Also you can check out our blog Services That Are Provided By A Pest Control Company.


I hope the above bed bug must aid you in repelling bed bug attacks into your house. These methods are applicable when you have the population in control. At last pest control services can be your last best option to choose from. Read some insights on Brief Information About The Spiders.


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