Top Reliable Curtain Cleaners For Drying Wet Curtains, Get Service Now

Curtain Cleaning

Top Reliable Curtain Cleaners For Drying Wet Curtains, Get Service Now

By DR Seervi 1 year ago Curtain Cleaning

Are you also tired of finding suitable ways to dry your curtains, without getting them dirty again or wrinkled? Don't worry, you are not alone. The entire population uses curtains, the fabrics, design and textures can differ but you will always find curtains in every household.

The heavy and multilayered curtains are always a headache when it comes to Curtain Cleaning Brisbane and drying them, the others are not that easy to work with either. Specially, in monsoon seasons or areas with humid climate, the improper drying and moisture inside the curtains usually results in foul smell. It can lead to various bacteria, fungus and mold, which does not sound like a healthy environment at all. 


Before using any of the following methods, read the care tag of your curtains carefully, this small activity can save you a good amount of money and time for Curtain CleaningYou can check our blog Remove Tough Stains Quickly From Blinds.

Tumble Drying:

Use the gentle cycle for drying your curtains. It might take longer than usual but it will ensure the safety of your fabric. You can also use the hot cycle, but it can end up fading the colour of your curtains fabric or cause wrinkles or even shrink it. 

Hanging on the rods:

There are plenty of people who actively participate in this method. And directly hang their curtains on the rods, after washing them. However it is recommended to use the dryer once and when the curtains are moist then you can hang them on the rods directly. You should keep in mind this method is only suitable for the sheer curtains. 


It is a common practice to iron the moist clothes. As it helps in removing the wrinkles as well as drying the fabrics. This method is most suitable for heavy curtains, as it will help in removing the wrinkles as well. It is also recommended to use the dryer once before ironing the curtains. Also you can check out our blog Blinds Cleaning Tips For Homeowners.

The sun:

This method is suitable for small size and light curtains. Under this method you can directly hang the washed curtain outside in the open, either on your balcony or on your terrace. The curtains can be machine or hand washed, and using the dryer is not necessary. This method might fail in humid and rainy seasons. But if you have scorching heat, this method is all you need. It is the cheapest and eco-friendly method. The heat from the sun kills all the germs and dries up the curtains. 

Try these best curtain cleaning methods and see if your problem has been solved or not. Make sure to learn about the fabric first and then decide the method for drying or cleaning your curtains. There are many curtains with the instructions of dry wash only, or machine wash only. So make sure to read the care tag first.

Never make the mistake of hanging a wet curtain. As all the water will drip on the floors and make the area messy, and invite a lot of bacteria and diseases. You can check our blog What Makes It Difficult To Clean Curtains Yourself?


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