Three Things You Should Do Regarding Cockroaches

Pest Control

Three Things You Should Do Regarding Cockroaches

By DR Seervi 1 year ago Pest Control

Cockroaches belong to the Class insect of Phylum Arthropoda. Yes indeed the phylogeny is as irritating as it is as seeing one! Cockroaches are active during night, that means they come under the type of creatures craving for moist and darkness. They are about 2 inches long and seen in tropical areas rather than in temperate zones.

Are Cockroaches that Serious ? 

Since cockroaches reproduce quickly in moist areas, they can be coated with bacteria of other species which can cause many diseases. Also exposure to some cockroaches feces have been reported to trigger asthma and allergies. Yes, it can be deadly but it’s very much a nuisance and one must get rid of it.

Challenge of Cockroach Removal

Pest control often fails with cockroaches; you can attribute it to its adaptable nature. That’s why most natural Pest Inspection Brisbane methods tend to fail if used for a longer time.

Some Ways to Control Cockroaches

Maintain Cleanliness

This is the major step and should continue throughout life not only in managing pest control. But also to lead a healthy and perhaps easier lifestyle. Cleanliness decreases survival chances of cockroaches and thereby can prevent them effectively. Throwing trash away, cleaning of leftover foods are some of the things that can be done.

Eliminate Habitat

This step includes first locating the habitat of cockroaches. This will be a tiring task as cockroaches are great in hiding. If able to locate them then almost half the job. Next step is to find the entry root if possible or at least suspect a few entry points; and do things that would prevent entry of newer cockroaches from outside. Well the above mentioned steps are indeed important in any method of  pest control. You can check our blog How to Treat the Termite Problem At Home.

Cockroach/ Roach Control Pesticides

There are a number of cockroach/ roach pesticides available, the options are many due to the adaptability and pesticide resistant nature of cockroaches. The newer pesticides are stronger in nature thus utmost care of it. 

  • Boric acid pesticides are nowadays you can use due to their high effectiveness. However boric acid is harmful for plants so therefore remove the plants. Move away while pesticides are derivatives of boric acid. 
  • Use of aerosols and sprays are effective but also the same pesticides can enter through inhalation of aerosols or spray particles which can be harmful. 
  • Bait stations where you can remove a wide range of cockroach population. However, if it is open then it can harm children and pets 

Also remove these bait stations as soon as the pest goes down. Otherwise a new resistant population can grow which would complicate the local pest control. Bait stations nowadays contain gels which are very effective in reducing the cockroach. In the end, knowing about cockroaches is as dreadful as seeing them and also as getting rid of it! You can check our blog Why Consider Pest Control Services For Optimum Results.


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