Remember These Packing Tips and Move Stress-Free


Remember These Packing Tips and Move Stress-Free

By DR Seervi 1 year ago Removalists

Relocating and shifting into a new house consumes a lot of time and energy. There is no doubt in saying that relocating can actually be very stressful. What if we say you can relocate without any stress? Your removal can actually be fast, easy, and stress-free. Not able to believe it? Well, if that’s the case here are some packaging tips that Long Distance Movers provide today. These packaging and moving tips will definitely make the process easy.

Take a few minutes out of your busy schedule and check out these amazing tips. We assure you that these clever packing and moving tips will set the tone for your move and make it even more interesting.

Tips for packing and moving without any stress

If you are preparing for your move, you must start by preparing a checklist and also your budget list. Everyone has a different timeline, some have two months while some have two weeks, make it according to your move. Check for the best professionals for the move and start sending notices to whomsoever you need to inform.

  1. Declutter your house- A very important tip that we would like to share is, do not move anything that is no longer needed by you. So, declutter your house completely and divide your things into two parts. One part for the things you need to move and the other for the things you do not need. Before even packing, declutter and lessen your workload as well as stress. Now, whether you want to donate your things, keep them or throw them is your choice.
  2. Get some packing boxes- Going to the nearest grocery store and earning boxes for free can be interesting. You might as well do this so that you can pack your items for the move. However, packing boxes are not very expensive and at the end of the day, they are very durable so it is completely worth it. That is why you can invest in some good quality packing boxes. The problem with grocery boxes is that they are vulnerable to moisture, wear and tear, and even bug infestation. So, you would not want any extra problems by using these boxes.
  3. Set a timer to pack each day- Packing, that too all at once can take a toll on you. Even thinking of doing it all in one day is a hectic thought. That is why when it comes to packing, do it in steps. Also, doing everything at last and packing at the last moment will become overwhelming and cause a lot of stress. We suggest setting an alarm and spending an hour each day in a single room. Pack in sets together so that there won’t be any misplacement of your belongings.
  4. Pack an essentials bag- Make a bag or tote containing all the essential items that you would require for the first few days. Obviously, when you move into your new house, you would not start unpacking right away. There are clothes, laundry, kitchenware, and many other things that need to be unpacked. All of this moving process might have already tired your family, that is the reason you must make an essentials bag for the first few days. Include all the toiletries, sanitary items, clothes, medicines, etc in this bag that will be with you always.
  5. Label accordingly- If you want to be organized, our suggestion is to get multi-coloured labels. Colour coded labelling has proved to be the best packaging tip. Give each room its own colour and label. This will help you a lot during unpacking things. Instead of reading the label while unpacking, you can directly see the colour and understand the room assigned to those items.
  6. Do not overpack- People often make this mistake while packing. They try to cram all the things into one big box but it does not work this way. Use as many boxes as you need but do not try to fit everything into a few boxes. This will help in lifting your load easily. Also, use the right sized boxes. Heavy items should be packed in smaller boxes while lighter items should be packed in larger boxes.
  7. Bundle up fragile items- Use plenty of padding and bundled up the paper while packing fragile items. Spend some time and pack these items correctly with extra cushions. Fill empty gaps with foam paper, clothes, or bubble wrap to prevent shifting.
  8. Take pictures or label your appliances- If your furniture or other electronic appliances need to be dismantled, then make sure you take their photos. If not possible at least label them so that it will be easy to put them in place again. Keep all the drawers, screws, nuts, etc safely in a plastic bag.


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