Pest Management Techniques for Flea Prevention Services

Pest Control

Pest Management Techniques for Flea Prevention Services

By DR Seervi 1 year ago Pest Control

Are you worried about the increasing flea infestation in your home? The severity of the infestation must be taken seriously. These parasites survive by leaching the blood of other organisms. They can spread illness and cause anemia in pets. Moreover, they can also transmit typhus, cat-scratch fever, plague, etc., to humans. That is why you must opt for preventive measures to make sure that your home is free from fleas.

Different Flea Prevention Tips

There are various tips that you can follow for efficient flea prevention. Take a look at some of them listed here to know more –

1.     Gain in-depth knowledge of fleas

The most vital preventive tip that you need to master is to gain knowledge of fleas. You need to understand more about these pests. These include comprehending how they look and where they can sustain the most. Moreover, you must also know about the life cycle of fleas and their habits. The more you know about flea control, the more you can use that information to get rid of them. Read some insights on Same Day Pest Control Service.

2.     Use chemicals that can kill fleas at the early stages

There are various chemicals that can kill fleas before they have the opportunity to grow into adults. These growth regulators can assist you in getting rid of these pests. The most common insect growth regulators that you can use to get rid of fleas are pyriproxyfen and methoprene. However, these are sold under different trade names. These can be used on indoor pets with ease.

3.     Opt for regular vacuuming

Vacuuming is an essential step to get rid of fleas. For this, you must use commercial top-quality vacuum cleaners. Make sure that you clean all the hidden spots and inconspicuous areas to get rid of larvae, eggs, and adults. Did you know that vacuuming can eliminate 60% of eggs and 30% of larvae? However, you must also discard the vacuum bags once a week to make sure the fleas don’t develop there. You can check our blog The Most Used Ways To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Fast.

4.     Washing beds and linens

You must clean the beds and linens regularly. Make sure that you maintain hygiene in order to prevent flea infestation. For efficient cleaning, use a mild detergent.

5.     Keeping home clean

Often, flea infestation occurs due to the filthiness within your home. That is why you need to take active measures to make sure that the home is clean. For this, vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping can help.

6.     Groom your pets

Pets are at the most risk when you have a flea infestation in your house. Firstly, take a flea comb and make sure to gently sweep the fours. After that, you must ensure that the pets are given a good bath. For that, you can use a gentle soap. Moreover, you must also clean the pet beddings regularly. If your pet wears a collar, it needs to be clean.

7.     Maintain the yard

One of the best ways to prevent fleas from gaining entry into your home is to maintain your garden or yard. You can start with mowing grasses and trimming shrubs. With this landscaping measure, you can get rid of places to hide from the fleas. The next thing you need to do is make sure that wild animals refrain from entering your yard. Here, you can trim the large trees to discourage the animals from seeking shelter in your attic.

8.     Use homemade remedies

There are some homemade remedies that you can use to get rid of fleas. For instance, you can make a flea trap by using water and dish soap. Now, take a bowl and pour the mixture on it. Placing it in areas where flea activity is high will give results. However, for maximum effect, you need to conduct this measure at night.

Moreover, you can use baking soda to prevent flea infestation. Sprinkle a generous amount of it onto the carpets, furniture items, etc. Then, use a brush to scrub it. After that, you can vacuum and remove the fleas. Another ingredient that you can use is salt. However, in this case, you must leave it for one or two days. You can check our blog Tips To Make Your Mattress Free Of Bed Bugs.

Want to Get Rid of Fleas? Get Expert Help Now!

Are you the proud owner of a dog or cat? Unfortunately, it also means that they are more susceptible to flea attacks. Moreover, your furry friends could bring the fleas inside, where they can wreak even more havoc. That is why you must maintain pet hygiene regularly. However, if you can't handle flea infestation, you must contact the experts right away!

Pest Control Brisbane is the leading pest control service provider in Australia. With the help of our team of certified pest exterminators, we offer excellent flea removal services. Moreover, we use high-quality tools and toxic-free products for efficient flea eradication. Furthermore, we charge affordable price rates and are open at all hours. No matter the hour, just give us a call, and Marks Pest Exterminator Brisbane will be right there!


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