Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Spiders

Pest Control

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Spiders

By DR Seervi 1 year ago Pest Control

Spiders aren’t a serious issue in a house, they might look scary, but they avoid human interaction. Rather, they just kept themselves busy building spiderwebs and hunting. Moreover, spiders are working as natural mosquitoes and pest repellants. The reason why spiders are annoying is that they make webs around and creep in everywhere and freak us out. Also, spiders are very quick and also jump very fast from one place to another place. Coming to the point, here are some natural ways to get rid of spiders and their infestations. So, take these natural ways to implement and see the power of these ingredients in getting rid of spiders.

Follow These Methods In Order To Stop The Spider Infestation

The fear of spiders is common and known as arachnophobia, the eight legs and one creepy mouth with sometimes multiple eyes give trauma. The below methods have been proven to be natural ways to get rid of spiders if you follow this guide carefully. All the methods described below are safe in environments and don't require any harmful pesticides.

Use Chestnuts

One natural trick for keeping spiders at bay is to use chestnuts as they emit spider-repelling smells, making spiders stay away from your place. So, purchase fresh chestnuts from the market and place them across your home where spiders usually sneak around. Some of the prime locations you can choose to place chestnuts are door frames, attics, basements and windowsills. In fact, when you use them, they do not leave any residues behind despite you scattering chestnuts all over your place.

Turmeric Or Cinnamon Powder

Using turmeric and cinnamon powder as a pest repellant or mainly spider repellant can give a good result. However, these are dust, thus use some precautions while sprinkling. Sprinkle the powder, where the spider is infesting, such as in your garage or kitchen, spiders will not come again.

Make Natural Homemade Sprays

Talking of natural homemade spray, it’s the safest and most humane way for spider pest control. In order to prepare the anti-spider homemade spray, you need peppermint oil, lavender oil and apple cider vinegar. Now, add a few drops of peppermint oil in a jar filled with a half cup of clean water, then add a few drops of lavender oil and apple cider vinegar in the jar as well, and now pour this solution into a spray bottle. Your homemade spider repellent spray is ready, spray this solution on spiders, their webs and suspected areas, where they make their webs. This spray will repel spiders and prevent them from coming to your house.

Diluted White Vinegar

As we all know white vinegar is the jack of all trades, it is used in the kitchen, for cleaning and stain removal. To make a spider repellant from it as well, all you need to do is prepare the diluted solution of white vinegar. When you spray it on the spiders they’ll go away and won’t come back again. No one likes foul smells coming from their neighbourhood.

Citrus Peel With Witch Hazel Solution

Citrus has a sharp scent, which annoys spiders and eventually makes them go away. To turn the citrus into an effective spider-repellent tool, you need to make it super strong. Take any citrus food, such as lemon or raw oranges and peel them out the skin, now add the skin to the boiling water. Leave the water overnight, next day add a half cup of witch hazel solution in it. Pour this into a spray bottle and attack the spiders and their webs by spraying.


Professionals are experts in dealing with pests, they have proper knowledge about every species of pests. Thus, they use the right approach as pest treatment for all kinds of pests they find on your property after conducting an inspection. Moreover, if your home is infested with spiders, you can have our spider pest control services, in which experts use eco-friendly solutions. In fact, of all the options available like DIY, homemade remedies and professional pest control, professional services clearly win the upper hand. Because the results are assured by pest controllers and all you have to do is to pay them costs they charge you reasonably.

Read More: Arachnid Perversion Elimination Using Common Insect Anti-Agents.


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