How to Kill Bed Bugs Hiding Under Your Mattress?

Mattress Cleaning

How to Kill Bed Bugs Hiding Under Your Mattress?

By DR Seervi 1 year ago Mattress Cleaning

Waking up one morning, and finding bite marks of insects on your body is a deadly morning that no one wants. But city life has forced humans to be busy in search of bread and butter. In return, small things like cleanliness at home bear the huge brunt. Often people are pretty stressed about those little insects crawling near their bedside which in all possibilities may be signs that the mattress is infested by bugs. And this is when you have to start thinking about how to do Mattress Cleaning Melbourne while keeping everything budget-friendly. The first thing you must consider is finding methods for killing bed bugs hiding under your mattress. 

A Few Effective Ways For Your Question, "How do we Kill Bug Bugs?"

Worry not. For we have a detailed stepwise knowledge guide on how to deal with these bed bugs in your mattress:

Start With Basic Sleeping Necessities

  • First things first, bedsheets, pillows, pillow covers, mattress covers and all other cloth items in regular contact with your bed must be immediately sealed up. 
  • And the sealing should be done in some bag or a garbage container so that the bed bugs do not get a chance to re-enter your home and infect other parts of your bedroom as well as your home.

Wash The Mattress & Its Belongings 

  • When done, all the items collected must be washed in hot water so that bed bugs are dealt with the final killer blow.
  • At the same time, you can start focusing on the bedding.
  • Try drying the mattress on high heat if the manufacturer's specifications allow for it.
  • This is a very productive way to kill the eggs of bed bugs still present in your mattress.

Time To Freeze The Mattress 

  • However, if you find that washing your mattress with hot water isn't working, it's time to move to an alternative method. That is, freezing the mattress and its belongings like pillows, pillow covers, bed sheets, blankets, etc.
  • To make this step a successful one, you need to put them in plastic bags and put them in a freezer. The temperature you need to set your freezer to kill the hidden bee bugs is -17.78°C or 0°F. 
  • Now, leave the sealed mattress and its belongings in the freezer for about 4 days to find killed bed bugs 
  • In fact, you can also go for other alternative methods, like the usage of: 
  • Pyrroles
  • Pyrethroids 
  • Pyrethrins
  • Desiccated
  • Bug bombs
  • Fogger and 
  • Plant oil-based products. 
  • Also, Focus On Other Items Around The Mattress 
  • Similarly, all other items present in the room which have hard surfaces such as electronic items, books, clocks, radios, and personal use items should be immediately locked up inside a bag.


  • After all the above-mentioned steps are followed without a skip, use your vacuum cleaner to remove all the dead bed bugs in your bed. 
  • If bed bugs left behind any stains do deep clean mattress where steam cleaners are used.
  • While the mattress is now left to dry in sunlight so that UV rays can do their bit. It is time to use the disinfectant spray-on bed joints, frames and footboards.

Evaluation For Bed Bug Prevention 

  • Despite following the complete guide, there are some cases where bed bugs don't get completely wiped out 
  • Thus, you have to keep evaluating the bed bug-infested areas regularly in order to prevent future bed bug invasion. In fact, the best options for future bed bug prevention are as follows:

Mattress Steam Cleaning Can be Your Best Bet for Killing Bed Bugs

Many times a mattress is exposed to sweat, dirt and stains which do not stop after spoiling the surface of your mattress. Instead, they also percolate deep down the mattress making matters more complex. For such a scenario, mattress cleaning services are perfect. Before running a steam cleaner in your bed, it is advised first to vacuum clean the whole mattress. Using a steam cleaner has its own benefits as the mattress tends to dry out much quicker than when cleaned with mere soap and water.

How the Professionals Do it: Just One Day

While the common man fears the tedious nature of this job, professional experts are quick enough to hand over the mattress to you in almost a brand-new state at the end of the day itself. This is possible partly because of experience and also due to the sophisticated equipment they carry. So, when you have a stain destroying your sweet dreamy sleep next time, remember to call us and enquire about our same-day mattress cleaning services.

Hire The Best In The Industry!

Many companies like us offer a wide range of mattress cleaning services at very affordable costs in the market. We also offer services ranging from disinfecting the mattress to mattress bed bug removal that is very microscopic in nature. Our well-trained mattress cleaners give you a hassle-free experience of getting mattress disinfection services. So, next time you face a nightmare infested with bugs in your mattress, remember we are just a call away from helping you out. 


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