How Often a Year Should Pest Control Be Performed?

Pest Control

How Often a Year Should Pest Control Be Performed?

By DR Seervi 1 year ago Pest Control

Pests interceptions are the cause of worry for every homeowner. You cannot rely on your fate for long. However clean and hygienic you try to keep your house and gardens, the pests are so created in nature that they always find a way out to invade your house. 

Organic Pest Treatment Brisbane methods are reliable but up to a certain limit. When the overflow of the population goes out of control you need to call professionals. Professional pest control services are usually considered to be costly. But a correct balance in the application of chemical pesticides will help you handle the situation efficiently.

In this article, I would be answering the main issue of any homeowners regarding the frequency of pest control services which is most standard and helpful.

But before that, you must be familiar with your problem. You must be aware of the type of pests that are causing most of the nuisance. It solely depends on you. Most per year services are more in demand among the users as it helps them manage the budget.

Some of you can even go for 3-4 times a year application of pesticides if you are suffering from rat infestations. They are notorious creatures and need optimum frequency treatment. 

Exterior pest control demands one application every 3-4 months. This is done to prevent any pest’s crop in the surroundings of your house. Without external pests, you can be safe from the internal invasion of your house. This method is economically appreciable. It does not require much shifting of interior furniture and is easy to do.

There are various service plans available in any pest control depending on the type of pests, their breeding rates, their survival rate, and your budget and space of the house. But the most common in the market is the quarterly service plan or the thumb rule. It needs pesticide application every three months.

The quarterly service is based on the principle of specific pests, specific pesticides. During the whole year, there are differences that start coming up according to their favorite season. So by this method, the professionals focus on giving holistic safety.  

You Can Observe their Activity As – 

1. In between January and March, rodents and silverfish are common. 

2. Between April to June, ants and other bedbugs spring up.

3. In between July to September, ants, rats, bees, wasps, are the most active ones. 

4. In between October to December, you may see rodents and ants taking up the stage.

Though there is a similarity in the pests in the months, their active juvenile and reproductive stages differ. Moreover, some companies can help you save more on quarterly treatments over single treatments. Similarly, there are chances that they give one short-term treatment free of cost. You can check our blog How to Control Pests Like Professionals?


Pests and their invasion is a common phenomenon in every household. They are inevitable but they can be controlled with proper measures. A highly skilled pest control service can give you relief from pests besides less loss of your property during the harsh procedure.


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