How Can You Long-Term Protect Your Carpets?

Carpet Cleaning

How Can You Long-Term Protect Your Carpets?

By DR Seervi 1 year ago Carpet Cleaning

There is a great usage of carpets in homes. Right from flooring to comfortably sitting, there are many ways carpets can be used in homes. Those homeowners who are specific about their home interiors choose high-quality and expensive carpets. Carpets are a great option to add elegance to homes. However, it’s not always easy to maintain the shine and fabric of the carpets. Why is it so? This is because everyday usage of the carpets can ruin their shine over some time. What should be done to protect your carpets from being damaged for a longer period? In this blog, you can learn insights from Carpet Cleaning Brisbane experts. 

Carpet Steam Cleaning

Carpet Steam Cleaning

Well, here are a few tips and hacks that you can use to protect the carpets from damage and other things-

  • Always take your shoes off when on the carpet

Dust and dirt are one of the important factors which cause carpets to get dirty. But, you need to remove this dust to keep your carpet last longer. So, one thing that you need to understand is that on the carpet with your shoes can bring a lot of mud, dust, and dirt. Also, this will cause stains on the carpets. Thus, you should always remove your shoes while walking on the carpets. Also you can check out our blog How To Deep Green Clean Your Carpets.

  • Use baking soda

Another useful and important tip to protect your carpets is to make use of baking soda. Baking soda has incredible cleaning effectiveness. So, you must use this for deep cleaning of the carpets. You just need to sprinkle some baking soda on the carpet’s surface and leave it there for a few minutes. After this, use your vacuum cleaner to remove the excess baking soda. In this way, you can remove stains, dust, and bacterial accumulation from the carpets.

  • Keep carpets in sunlight

Carpets can be a source of dust, pollen, and bacteria. To protect your carpets and make them dust-free, you need to keep them in sunlight. Do not keep it in direct sunlight as it might impact the color of the carpet. So, you just need to open the doors and windows of the living area so that sunlight can come inside.

  • Do spot cleaning to take care of spills

Spills on the carpets can not only ruin its look but also its quality. So, you need to take care of the spills if there are any on the carpets. When you see a spill of a liquid or food on your carpet, you should try to do spot cleaning. Use a paper napkin to remove excess spills and to prevent their spread. Also, use some cleaning solution to clean the affected area. Read some insights on Why To Keep Office Carpets Clean.

Carpet Stain Removal

Carpet Stain Removal


When you do these all to protect your carpets Can I Clean My Carpet The Same Way Experts Clean The Carpets can be a question in your mind. Carpets are a great way of bringing elegance and comfort to the home. If you want to protect your carpets then you must follow these quick tips. These tips are useful for effective dust removal and ensuring the longevity of the carpets. Make sure to follow these tips to maintain the fabrics, color, and shine of the carpet for a longer time. However, always consider experts when you feel the need. You can check our blog Why Is Carpet Sanitization Necessary?


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