5 Easy Cleaning Tips That Make Tiles Less Germy

tile and grout cleaning

5 Easy Cleaning Tips That Make Tiles Less Germy

By DR Seervi 1 year ago tile and grout cleaning

The rising popularity of tiles as the desired choice for flooring and walls has been on the rise. Nowadays, homeowners are opting for tiles in living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and more. These are much more durable and are relatively low maintenance when compared to carpeting. However, over the passage of time, the tiles accumulate dust, dirt, and grime. These cause stain and discolouration, impacting the aesthetic outlook. That is why you must at least know Tile and Grout Cleaning. In this blog, we have shared 5 tips that are very helpful for homeowners. 

Top five tile cleaning hacks to make tile area less germy

There are various ways that you can clean the tiles and get rid of the dust, dirt, and germs. However, for your convenience, we have made a list of the five easiest ones to help you out. Take a look at these and start cleaning right away!

1.  Use vinegar

One of the cheapest and easily accessible tile cleaning agents is white vinegar. To make an effective solution, add an equal proportion of vinegar and water. Then, use a rag moistened with the mixture and start scrubbing the tiles. After that, take a clean cloth and wipe it dry.

2.  Make a homemade cleaner

If you are not too sure about commercial tile cleaners, you can always make your own cleaning solution at home. The ingredients that you will need include baking soda, dish soap, and hydrogen peroxide. Take a bowl and pour ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide, ½ cup of baking soda, and one teaspoon of dish soap. Now, mix it gently and fill it in a spray bottle. Now, you can spray the solution onto the tiles. After ten minutes, use a damp rag and clean off the mixture.

There is another alternative homemade cleaner that you can make. For this, you will need water, rubbing alcohol, white vinegar, peppermint essential oil, and dish soap (liquid). Take equal quantities of water, rubbing alcohol, and white vinegar. To that, add a few drops of the oil and ½ tablespoon of the dish soap. Now, fill the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the tiles and start scrubbing.

3.  Apply lemon

The acidic content of lemon makes it an excellent tile-cleaning material. Squeeze some lemons to get out the juice. After that, pour it into a spray bottle and use it on the tiles directly. After some time, use a wet sponge to clean the tiles. Moreover, you can also use baking soda prior to spraying the lemon juice for more efficient cleaning.

4.  Combine bleach and water

Do you want to create an efficient tile-cleaning solution? For this, you will need water and bleach. Take a bucket and add water and bleach in the ratio of 3:1. After that, pour the solution into a spray bottle and apply it to the tiles. Then, use a cloth dipped in warm water to rinse off the mixture from the tiles. However, you must keep in mind that bleach emits toxic fumes. That is why you must be cautious and make sure that the windows and doors are open while you use this specific method.

5.  Opt for a mouthwash

The easiest way to clean tiles and kill germs at the same time is to mix mouthwash with water. For this, you will need to add a cap of any mouthwash and then pour it on warm water (one gallon). It will instantly remove germs from the tiled floors. Keep in mind that this method is not feasible if you have wood flooring.

For stubborn tile stains and dirt buildups

If the above-listed methods do not get rid of the dust, dirt, and stains, you will need to adopt a more aggressive approach. Using a steam cleaner will help you clean the tiles and get rid of the germs. Read the instruction manual carefully before you start using the steam cleaning machine.


While tile is an excellent choice for flooring due to its durable nature, it also needs to be cleaned. Avoidance of proper cleaning can lead to the growth of harmful pathogens along with mould and mildew. That can ultimately cause health risks to the family members. That is why it is vital that you know some cleaning tips. However, if the dirt is stubborn and you can’t seem to clean it properly, you need to seek out the experts.


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